Monthly Archive: July 2017

Trend Of Cakes

Do you remember how on your first birthday, wait, we don’t remember our first ever birthday parties. Bear with me on this, your first cake would probably have been a race car if you were a boy, or a princess figure if you were a girl. But over the years have you noticed the change in desserts you received or get made for your name day? It all starts out with the fun, cartoon prints such as Loony tunes characters, Mickey Mouse, Ben 10 and Winx Club fairies on christening cakes Liverpool, but as the years go by, out goes the fun animated creatures and in come the adult style boring cakes. The last animated one would have probably been for your 14th birthday when the Simpsons was still a thing. Then you probably had a fun decorated cake for your 18th birthday and a naughty one for your 21st and then it all goes downhill from there.

Is it because birthdays become less significant over the years and so you are not required to get decorative cakes? Seems a little unfair when it is during our adult life that we need to feel young and energetic and what better what to do that than with animated cakes. Nowadays you probably might not even get cake on your birthday, maybe a celebratory cupcake with a single candle at most. if you do get one, it’ll be a simple vanilla or chocolate cake reading ‘Happy Birthday (insert name)!’ in a one tone icing shade with a birthday candle that denotes your age, like we needed another reminder as to how old we are getting. If you have a significant other or a best friend who cares for you a little too much and makes it their life goal to embarrass you, you will probably get the first printed cake in you adult life when you hit 25 or 30 which is your ‘pre- midlife crisis phase’.

I’m not recommending to have an animated cake every year as such, but maybe every few years just to remind you of the younger days you’ve been missing and the happy feeling you get when you see a silly cartoon figure from your childhood. It’s not going to come out as silly or immature, a few might see it that way but you don’t need that kind of negativity on your birthday. So for the next upcoming birthday, whether it’s yours or a friend’s, think about a fun cake, think out of the box.